Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Paper Art

I love paper in all it's forms, but I especially have a soft spot for paper art. It's just so delicate and amazing. I can't even begin to imagine how some of these designs were made. What an amazing craft to be able to work so intricately. Tord Boontje's Midsummer lamp and Until Dawn curtain are both great, accessible options for the paper art look in your home. If you can get your hands on a one of a kind piece- even better!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I always find it a little weird to walk into someone's home for the first time and see a gigantic wedding photo of them in their living room. It's almost like a shrine to themselves. Not to say that you shouldn't display life's important moments, but maybe you don't have to do it in such a formal way.
I love to see funny, candid shots. It's so much fun and makes the moments seem more REAL. You can mix family photos along with other images and objects for a more eclectic display. I really like the look of loose photos or polaroids on the wall. Just as if they were framed, they can be hung in a grid pattern or in more of a free form collage style. I found the image of the powder room with all the loose photos and loved it. Who says your family photos can't be in the bathroom or wherever you please. I like the informality... not so shrine-like. Unless your into that.

Monday, October 5, 2009

In the NAVY

I'm in my navy blue period right now. It started with navy nail polish and now I'm painting one of my rooms in the color. I love it, and I love wearing it. Navy's just so classic. It looks really great with pops of saturated color, like yellow and red and completely modern with white and natural. It's such a basic color, but I love it when it's used in unexpected ways.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wallpaper love

I've been in a love affair with wallpaper for quite some time. The more colorful and mental the better. It's amazing what it can do for a room. Even if you just pick one wall to place it on. If you have commitment issues you may want to choose your design wisely. But don't think too hard about it. It's just wallpaper... it's not a tattoo. I have recently discovered a wallpaper source called Studio Nommo. Studio Nommo has some phenomenal designs that are created by up and coming graphic designers, photographers and illustrators. Another great source is Graham & Brown. There are some amazing designs out there just waiting to be pasted all over your walls.